
Thursday, October 10, 2013

You Can't Make This Stuff Up.......A Terrorist "Clothing Drive"?

Back in 2011 Humayoun Gloulam Nabi, a 27 year old Pakistani National who lives among us in Queens apparently grew tired of sitting around "...eating in peace, eating chicken and roasts..." while his brothers were fighting and dying in Afghanistan. 

Although living comfortably here in New York, Nabi is no fan of America and her soldiers as he has been quoted as stating his brother fighters in Afghanistan should "kill them and cut them into pieces."

Nabi was of the opinion that in order to defeat the Americans, he had " learn their methods."

Nabi thought long and hard and came to the conclusion that the "source of the Americans strength is their equipment, specifically good jackets...."

I guess there are no good Taliban tailors?

Armed with his radicalized passion and new-found knowledge of the clothing secrets of the American military, Nabi decided that he wanted to start a nonprofit organization to gather jackets, boots and other cold weather equipment to send to his brothers in Afghanistan to "level the playing field", basically a terrorist version of a clothing drive.

Unfortunately (for Nabi) he mentioned his plans to a friend who then....(wait for it)...tipped off the cops.

After a long undercover investigation Nabi, who is an architect and an engineer, was arrested just recently and is being held on a $500,000 bond with a October 25th court date.

While he is cooling his heels in the lockup, perhaps Nabi ought to rethink his strategy.  

Nabi got it wrong - it's not the clothing that makes our military men and women unbeatable in combat - it's the food.  

You can't beat those C-Rats for a nourishing and satisfying meal.  

Wait a minute, my age is showing, military meals are now called MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat).

Maybe Nabi could try a food drive when he gets out in, maybe, 7 years!   By then he will have had time to master the intricacies of jailhouse cuisine.

On second thought,  since Nabi doesn't like living in Queens and "eating in peace", when he gets out perhaps the feds should fly him to Kabul International Airport and drop him out of off the plane!


  1. Nice and good articl.
    Armed with his radicalized passion and new-found knowledge of the clothing secrets of the American military, Nabi decided that he wanted to start a nonprofit organization to gather jackets, boots and other cold weather equipment to send to his brothers in Afghanistan to "level the playing field", basically a terrorist version of a clothing drive.

  2. I loved this sooo much, I posted it across Facebook. Hope the rat poison finds its way to this ungrateful turd! But of course it won't..he is in jail being fed his food, on a prayer rug I am sure. Dopes..
