
Friday, October 25, 2013

West 12th Road - "Al McCarthy Way"

In a posting dated October 18, 2013, (In this week's WAVE - Obituary "Al" McCarthy") we stated:

Al will be sorely missed by all of us who had the distinct pleasure of knowing him. To ensure he will always remain a part of our community I would like to offer a suggestion that at the next Broad Channel Civic Association meeting we all offer a motion that upon completion of the work on our street sometime next year, that Community Board #14 start the process to enable DOT to rename West 12th Road "Al McCarthy Way."

I could not attend last night's Civic Association however I emailed Dan Mundy Jr. and asked if he would have someone present this motion at the meeting for the residents of West 12th Road.

I received the below email from Dan earlier today.


.....My father made the motion and it was seconded and passed unanimously as a motion to endorse the request of the West 12th Road Block Association to rename west 12th Road as "Al McCarthy Way." 



I have extended the appreciation of all West 12th Road residents to both Dan and his father for their assistance in this matter.

I have also contacted Jonathan Gaska, District Manager of our local Community Board (#14), to ascertain what the next administrative steps are in this process.

1 comment:

  1. Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilioOctober 25, 2013 at 8:03 PM

    If it wasn't for Al, we would have gotten nowhere with our fight to raise our street. Thank you and God bless you Alfred McCarthy, you are missed.
