
Friday, October 25, 2013

The WAVE Sandy 1 Year Anniversary Special Edition

Tucked away inside this week's edition of the WAVE is a separate 92 page " 1 Year Hurricane Sandy Anniversary" special edition.

Of course, you should always buy a copy of the WAVE each Friday just to keep current with local issues and events but this week, do yourself, your family and your friends a favor.

Go out,  pick up and share several copies of this fantastic "one year after" Sandy retrospective. 

If you have small children, save copies for them to share with their children years from now.

Kevin Boyle and his staff at our local paper have outdone themselves with this issue regarding a once in a lifetime historic weather event that we all played a part in!

1 comment:

  1. Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilioOctober 25, 2013 at 10:46 PM

    Sandy? Sandy who? Oh, Sandy that ... so and so ... Next time she wants some attention, tell her to go blow down someone else's city. And by the way, someone needs to change the name of Olivia Newton John's character in Grease to something other than SANDY. Let's never utter the name of that God-awful dried up wench again.
