
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

From The WAVE Special Sandy Edition - This was home...

This Was Home

The waters crashed in and the fires went up By morning the waves rolled out and the flames went down And when it was over, I heard some say, Friend, you know, I just want to go home
I want to go home I want to go home Oh, tell me when this is over So we can all go home
I stood with a man in his broken house And there in the cold he picked through what was leftHe held some old photos in his hand And said to no one out loud
You know, I just want to go home
I want to go home I want to go home Oh, please let this be over So I can just go home
I stood with a man who held a child by the hand We stood in line to stand in someplace warm He squeezed the small hand And said, I know you miss your toys and your room and I know you just want to go home
I want to go home, too I want to go home Well, maybe when this over We can all go home
Now I walk these streets that are not my own and they’re nice enough but they’re just not home
You know, I walk these streets that are not my own and they’re nice enough but I’ll tell you, friend, I just want to go home
Oh, I tell you, friend, I just want to go home
– Dan Guarino (Words and music written on January 4th, 2013. Performed at the Brooklyn Public Library with the Rockaway Artists Alliance Writers Group on February 10th.

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