
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Broad Channel Civic Association Newsletter - October 2013

American Legion Hall - Cross Bay Boulevard – 7:00 PM
October 24, 2013
                                                                                                               October 2013   Vol. 26   No. 10

President’s Message

The Flood Insurance Rally to “Stop FEMA Now” was a great turnout and huge success!! With over a 1000 residents turning out from all of the surrounding towns we garnered not only great local coverage of the issue but a Nationally Televised news story on Channel 2 Nightly News that went into great detail regarding the impact this ill-conceived law will bring. I want thank all who turned out to show their support for our efforts to repeal the Biggert/Waters Flood Law. We are getting attention in Congress but need to keep the pressure on thru phone calls and emails.

Our October 24th Civic Meeting will begin at 7 pm at the American Legion Hall and the meeting will be primarily focused on a presentation by representatives from the New York Rising Reconstruction ProgramThis is the state allocation of Federal Community Development Block Grants (CDBG funds) that the Governor is disbursing thru designated “Reconstruction Zones”. Broad Channel has been designated its own Reconstruction Zone and our assigned committee has been meeting since June to provide the framework for a plan that we hope will be approved for funding a number of “Resiliency” projects within our town. At this meeting, after a formal overview of the progress to date is given, we will have representatives available at tables for a one on one discussion for anyone interested.

The NYC Build it Back Program has extended the filing period for registration with that program until October 30, 2013. The Civic Association is recommending that all homeowners who sustained damage during Hurricane Sandy register with this program which will rebuild, elevate and repair homes damaged during Sandy as well as offer compensation to individuals for out of pocket repairs that they have incurred.

Broad Channel Christmas light fund drive has begun and needs your help! If you would like to see the Christmas lights grace the center median of our town as they did last year you can log onto the website: and help by making a small donation. The Lights really looked awesome last year and if you would like to help out this effort contact Stephanie Wagner thru the Facebook site “Broad Channel Christmas lights”, as she could use assistance in selling Mega 50/50 tickets as well.

We have been advised by Councilman Ulrich that assessors from the NYC Department of Finance will be canvassing the district to conduct inspections of properties damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Many will be wearing jackets with a Finance logo, and all will be carrying official identification.

Quote of the Month – “Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Gandhi

Respectfully submitted, 
Dan Mundy Jr.

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