
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Need a few "helping hands"? - Volunteers will be available 1024/2013

Subj: Need manual labor volunteers? Sign Up today ( For October 24th Visit)

Evening Everyone,

If you, or someone you know in Rockaway or Broad Channel can use some extra hands on Thursday, October 24th please let us know ASAP!

Our friends from "Hamptons Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund" are scheduled to be here around 10 am - we would like to have a list ready to dispatch them out where some manual labor is needed. 

Whether it be yard clean up help, removing debris and damaged furniture (to the curb) or other forms of manual labor we want to help!

To sign up, please email us back with your name, contact #, address and what you are requesting some help with. Also, please include whether or not you would be able to pick them up and bring them back to Beach 113 & Rockaway Beach Blvd. (This is not a requirement but is helpful to know). 

With all the love and great responses we received from their last visit we expect this list to get filled quickly. We will do everything we can to help as many families as possible. 

Thanks for spreading the word!

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