
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Long Island Residents Participating in National Stop FEMA Day Rally Set for Sept. 28

National Stop FEMA Day Rally Set for Sept. 28

Town Hall rally will be a part of country-wide rallies against premium increases.

Posted by Scott Moore (Editor)

Babylon Town Hall. Credit: Patch file photo.

Adopt-a-House and Sandy Support Massapequa Style will co-host a rally at Babylon Town Hall on Sept. 28 to show disapproval of potential premium increases headed to homeowners later this year.

The rally, which will join others from around the United States, will take place on the front steps of Babylon Town Hall starting at 12 p.m. on Sept. 28 and feature elected officials, business owners and residents speaking during the rally.

Adopt-a-House vice president Michele Insinga told Patch she hopes to see many residents come out and understand why an upcoming act, Bigget-Waters Flood Protection Act of 2012, could affect many still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Sandy.

"These steep unaffordable increases are not only are a blow to recovering homeowners and business owners only, but will eventually affect all of Long Island," she wrote Patch in an email.  "As it is there are many families still not home due to circumstances out of their control and massive red tape."

According to rally organizers, the Bigget-Waters Act could increase insurance anywhere from six to 25 percent every year.

A small portion of those with subsidized rates would see a change in their premiums, according to FEMA's website. However, FEMA notes that residents with flood insurance would see a new charge to collect money for a new reserve fund.

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