
Friday, September 20, 2013

In this week's WAVE: Broad Channel Bits

Broad Channel Bits

By Dan Guarino

Seems like there are more cyclists with sleek helmets, serious racing bikes and slim spandex riding outfits, coming through the Channel. Looks like they are headed on a weekend by weekend trek through the five boroughs and their numbers are increasing.
I also see people, though, from all over and all ages, getting on bikes and pedaling around town in increasing numbers. They’re biking up to the stores or up through the wildlife refuge and back. The other night I ran into a friend and neighbor at one of those nice new restaurants over the bridge. Later after taking his leave, he got on his bike and pedaled home. I’ve even been eyeing bikes while out shopping for bath mats and dish racks for the new apartment.
Sure it’s healthy, better for the air you breathe and saves on gas. But a lot of the people I see mostly seem to be smiling and just enjoying the heck out of it.
Hope you were able to come out for the community clean up last Sunday, September 15th. Kids, parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors came out, mostly early, to sweep, rake, cut down and scoop up in front of their houses and along the Cross Bay median strip. They also did other public spots around town.
Just after 9 a.m. I was out front of my new home, supporting pride of rentership. Thanks to my neighbor Pete for giving the area a good trim.
NYC Parks came through and Sanitation also lent brooms and other tools. Dan Mundy Sr. was spotted headed down the Boulevard with a hedge trimmer, which from a short distance looked like a chain saw, and a determined look in his eye. Weeds were throwing themselves out of the way.
At the end of the day, curbside bins were filled and refuse bags waited up and down the Boulevard for pick up.
The BC Beautification Committee’s Judy Zack sends a big thanks to all those who joined in. Also a special shout out to Jessica Allen for getting the ball rolling and Geri Canning for always lending a hand.
“We’re thinking of making this an annual event.”
There’s still some room left for your pre-K child. Jessica Guttieri, president of the Broad Channel Pre-K, let us know that even though classes started, there’s space for a few more students. BC Pre-K accepts 3- 4 year old children who are fully potty trained. The program runs from Monday to Thursday from 8:45 – 11:45 a.m. and meets at the new BCAC clubhouse.
Jessica says, “This is an amazing program that has been run by the parents long before my 30 years.”
Every enrollment helps keep that program going.
Contact Jessica at 718-813-1567 or to register or for more information.
One more Saturday left to sign up for the St. Virgilius-St Camillus BCAC Boys Swim Team. It’s September 21st, at 1:30 p.m., at Far Rockaway High School. Sign-up will be done at the pool. Come in your swimsuit and be ready to practice.
The fee is $175 per child. Any questions, please call Freddy at 718-877-3467.
Registration for the St. Camillus / St. Virgilius Community Basketball programs will take place in the St. Camillus gym (Springman Hall) on Wednesday 9/25 and Thursday 9/26 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
All games are played at St. Camillus. Anyone from Kindergarten to the 8th grade is eligible to play. The program runs from November to mid-February. Registration is fee is $65 for the first child and $10 for each additional child.
As always, volunteers are needed to help make the program a success. Interested in volunteering or starting a CYO team? Please call Bill Swensen at 646- 773-0013.
Want to save 10 percent on your car insurance for the next three years? Or take up to 4 points off your license?
Then sign up now for the 6-hour Defensive Driving Class Point and Insurance reduction program on Wednesday, October 2nd and 9th from 7 to 9 p.m. at the St. Camillus auditorium. You must attend both nights. No test will be given. Refreshments will be served.
To register call Helen at 917-553-2409 or 718-945-4648. Your payment of $45 guarantees a seat.
Proceeds help support St Camillus – St. Virgilius CCD Program. St. Camillus is at 185 Beach 99th Street.
Don’t forget the Stop FEMA Now rally/meeting at noon on Saturday, September 28th at the American Legion Hall at 209 Cross Bay Boulevard.
“It’s that time again! Time to get the Civic Newsletter up and running so we can inform the community of the wonderful things our town has to offer as well as bringing them up to speed about all that’s happening in the Channel,” says Natalie Grant, who has been and will continue to compose, edit, print and coordinate distribution of the monthly newsletter.
“I’m attempting to find out who is back in town and (can) deliver the newsletter to their block as well as coordinators who can deliver to the block captains. I will be delivering the newsletter on the Saturday before the Civic meetings and we would like to see the Newsletter handed out by no later than the day before the meeting. If you are or are not available to continue as a block captain or a substitute, and /or as a coordinator for the East and West sides, please contact me at your earliest convenience so I can adjust my database accordingly and find replacements if needs be.
“Because I am no longer in Broad Channel, I would appreciate any information you can pass onto me regarding happenings and events.
“If you have some information that you feel is news worthy, please pass it onto me by the 10th of each month, so I can be sure it makes the newsletter. Home: 347-960-9009, cell: 718-869- 3488 or email:”
Want to welcome someone home to BC? If there’s someone you know, a family, individuals, who’s coming back send me an e-mail, let me know. I‘ll be glad to share that great news in this column. Got BC news/info? Upcoming organizations events? Meetings? Happenings? Fun and/or fundraisers? Send them to
Thanks for reading!

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