
Friday, September 13, 2013

In this week's WAVE: Broad Channel Bits

Broad Channel Bits

By Dan Guarino

Someday, 60 years from now, some ‘kid’ is going to point to his younger self in one of those photos and, with the same smile he wore back then, say “That was me!”
Going through dozens of pictures of the Broad Channel Labor Day Mardi Gras parade, it’s the smiles that stand out the most. And the kids, in their costumes, giddily going along with what float or theme Mom and Dad have cooked up.
Thanks to Kathy Reardon Savino for capturing this event and helping to make it come alive for the newspaper.
Broad Channel is going to be a lot cleaner come Monday morning!
This weekend families, neighbors and friends will be out with brooms, shovels and bags, making BC shine.
“Keeping Broad Channel Beautiful One Tree Pit at a Time,” is the BC Civic Association’s motto as they invite all to “Please join us for our First End of Summer Clean Up and Weeding Campaign along the median of Cross Bay Boulevard.”
It kicks off on Sunday, September 15th at 9 a.m. Trash bags, gloves and other supplies will be distributed.
This is part of the big BC Clean Up Day, where all over town people will come out Sunday to help weed, sweep and clean up their streets, in front of their homes and maybe even their shops. Some supplies will be available.
If you are interested in being a block captain, contact Jessica Allen at 646-784- 1392.
The NYC Department of Parks, the Department of Sanitation and Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder will all be supporting this event.
Many, many thanks to Jessica Allen, Judy Zack and all the other great hard working people that make these things happen.
Considering that the last clean up we all did was after the storm, with a lot of our lives piled up in the streets, this will be a much happier occasion. Somehow all these things become more special, and add more and more to our sense of taking back our world.
Sign up now for the St. Virgilius-St Camillus BCAC Boys Swim Team. Registration will be Saturday, September 14th, at 1:30 p.m. and Saturday, September 21st, at 1:30 p.m., at Far Rockaway High School. Sign up will be done poolside, so wear your suit and be ready to practice.
The fee is $175 per child. Any questions, please call Freddy at 718-877-3467.
It’s a good sign: It has not gone unnoticed that there are police patrols around town. Months ago BC residents brought our security concerns to the 100th Precinct commander, Captain Adelman. The result is more marked patrol cars cruising up and down our blocks.
A few weeks ago, late on a Saturday night, I was helping a friend move a couch over on Walton Road.
I was very impressed when a squad car came rolling along, checking the houses, some of them still empty, and streets on the east side.
Of course, nobody asked us what we might be doing hefting a couch into an SUV truck late on a Saturday evening, but… I guess we looked okay.
But it is good to see the NYPD in BC.
St. Camillus-St. Virgilius Religious Education classes started last Wednesday, September 11th, over at St. Camillus. When the former St. Virgilius School buildings are repaired, religious instruction classes will be held there once again.
I had the pleasure of helping to proofread the 2014 Broad Channel Historical calendar. A few more tweaks and production will be underway. This has been a special year and this is a special calendar. I think you’ll be in for a treat when it comes out.
Meantime, 2013 BC Historical calendars are continuing to sell well at the Bay- Gull Store, All-American Channel Market and Rock and Roll Bagels. Get yours before there are none left to get.
The St. Virgilius Golden Age has started meeting at the American Legion Hall at 209 Cross Bay Boulevard in Broad Channel. They will be meeting every Thursday afternoon at 12:30 p.m.
There is power in numbers. Make plans to be at the Stop FEMA Now rally/meeting at noon on Saturday, September 28th at the American Legion Hall.
In case you were wondering, as we all were, what happened to Pete Mahon and the West 12th Road Block Association blog, which seemed to cyber-vanish a few weeks ago, here’s the story.
As he explains it “Our site has been down for some two weeks due to the fact that all three of our computers crashed and went to Bill Gates heaven and although we did manage to procure a brand new machine, it accompanied our oldest daughter up to Buffalo where she is attending her freshman year at college.”
The blog is back up as the resourceful Mahons work temporarily off a notebook computer.
We’re glad to have this great source of information about Broad Channel and the important things that directly affect us.
It has been my very great pleasure to give a shout out here and there and welcome people back home to Broad Channel.
Is there someone you know, a family, individuals, that have come home to BC? Send me an e-mail, let me know. I would be happy to share that great news.
Got BC news/info? Upcoming organization events? Meetings? Happenings? Fun and/or fundraisers? Send them
Thanks for reading!

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