
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Community Board #14 Meeting: Tuesday 9/10/2013


On Tuesday, September 10,2013, the below West 12th residents attended Community Board 14's September meeting at the Knights of Columbus in Rockaway.

Peter J. Mahon
Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilio

[Meeting Commenced at 7:30 pm]


The summer of 2013 was a bad season because of the lack of mosquito control in the Rockaway area, especially, Arverne and Edgemere where residents couldn't even use their backyards because of this problem.  Hopefully the new administration taking office this January will address this issue more effectively next year.

Statement by Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder:

Assemblyman Goldfeder indicated that there is presently a bill in Albany which will address aircraft noise in our neighborhoods.  The Assembly and the Senate have already passed it and it is simply awaiting the Governor's signature.  Residents should call Albany and urge the Governor to sign this legislation. 

Assemblyman Goldfeder also stated that there is an issue of houses in our area which have been abandoned and/or foreclosed which are becoming a problem because of mold, structural problems, infestations, etc., and and the some banks holding the mortgages are doing nothing about them.   While Chase bank immediately re-established themselves in the area after Sandy with outstanding customer service, other banks, like HSBC, couldn't run away fast enough. Those banks holding these mortgages will have to address this issue in order to avoid health problems down the road and other long term problems. 

Presentation by Rockaway United:

Tom Cox and Brittney Brown presented those in attendance with an overview of "Rockaway United" which is a "...coalition of community based/governmental organizations and individuals that work together to rebuild and strengthen the Rockaway community by creating a network of services and resources through communication and collaboration."

One of Rockaway United's most important accomplishments is the establishment of the Rockaway United Helpline [(718) 888-6868] which operates Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

The helpline was established to allow Rockaway residents who were affected by Hurricane Sandy the opportunity to be connected with any and all services that they are eligible for or entitled to.  In the event of any major emergency, this helpline will go into operation even it occurs outside the aforementioned days and hours of operation.

Community Board Budget Process:

Under the City Charter, community boards are given a broad range of responsibilities for advising the City about local budget needs and priorities.  The Charter mandates that the community boards consult with agencies on the capital and expense budget needs of the district, hold public hearings, prepare capital and expense budget priorities for the next fiscal year and react to the funding choices presented in the preliminary budget.  To meet these mandates, a dynamic formal structure was created which allows the City’s communities to make their needs known to agency decision makers and the Mayor.  This assures that local neighborhood opinion is considered when the City allocates its resources and services.

Community Board #14 has developed a "draft" Capital Expenditure Priority list (see below pdf) and a motion made to place the draft before the Board for approval and the motion was passed and the "draft" document approved.

[Note: for easier viewing, click on the full screen box at the bottom right of the pdf viewer...]

The "draft" Capital Expenditure Priority list will be presented to the public (via civic associations, and at the next CB14 meeting) to ensure community input prior to finalization.

It was stressed that that the once submitted, the Community Board's finalized Capital Expenditure Priority list carries with it no guarantee that any project contained therein will be funded or acted upon by the City.

Youth Services and Education:

Committee meetings with students at both public and charter schools revealed a desire for for funding for additional/new after school programs to assist children in their studies, prepare for SAT and Regents exams as well as recreational opportunities.

General Discussion:

The Far Rockaway Library is one year behind schedule but funds for renovation are encumbered and work will continue.

There is some misinformation regarding St. John's Hospital.  The hospital is not closing.  The ongoing difficulties being experienced by St. John's are caused by the fact that smaller hospitals must affiliate with larger ones in order to operate with a semblance of solvency.  The problem stems from the fact that the hospital system St. John's is looking to affiliate with is a non-union one.

There were issues raised regarding a perceived need for signal lights, traffic signage and speed bumps in various areas throughout the peninsula.

Discussions were held regarding the restoration of bulkhead sections along the bay side of peninsula.  One problem was averted when an agreement was reached regarding the section of bulkhead directly adjacent to the Rockaway ferry.  Arrangements were made to allow such construction without having to relocate or discontinue such ferry service.

It was explained that the Army Corps of Engineers is constructing a "computer program matrix" which will allow engineers to input beach protection measures (jetties, rocks, dunes, etc) and the program will then generate data regarding the efficacy of such measures.

[Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm]

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