
Thursday, September 19, 2013

CNBC Producer Wants to speak with small businesses in our area regarding flood insurance........

I received the below email from Ms. Karina Frayter, CNBC Markets Producer, requesting to be put in touch with small business owners about their concerns regarding pending flood insurance increases.

Ms. Frayter's contact information is contained in her email.



My name is Karina and I am a producer at CNBC.  We are working on a story about flood insurance rate hikes and impact on small businesses.

Can you please put me in touch with some mom and pop businesses in your community who are concerned about the hikes and will be affected by them.

Thank you!

Karina Frayter 
CNBC| Markets Producer 
Office: (201)735-3117 
Bbry: (201)289-2725 
Follow me on Twitter @kfrayter

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