
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Broad Channel Tidal Flooding Street Raising Project (AMENDED)

Post Amended 2:30 pm Sunday September 8, 2013 3:30 PM

Shortly after the below posting was published earlier today I received calls from staff at both DOT and the Queens Borough President's Office explaining that this project should have already been put out for bids.

Additionally, I received the below email from Dan Mundy, President of the Broad Channel Civic Association.

We have had additional correspondence with Commissioner Hall as well as progress on this project. I had sent you,and everyone else involved, the below email on august 19. In addition this information was posted on the Broad Channel Civic Facebook page. 

We will look to contact the commissioner after September 23 as that would be the end of the 30 day bid period as indicated .

(this was the email update i had sent to you on 8/19)
Broad Channel Street Raising Project Update!
Good news on the street raising project. Just spoke with DOT Queens Commissioner Dalila Hall who indicated that the project will go out for bid this Friday August 23. The bid will be advertised for 30 days and at the end of that period the submitted bids will be unsealed and the lowest bidder (as is always the case in NYC construction Projects ) will be awarded the job . That contractor will immediately begin preparations for the project. The Civic Association will be in contact with the DOT commissioner as the bid process concludes and will acquire the details of which contractor is chosen and look to set up a civic meeting with them to discuss community concerns moving forward. We have been in communication with the DOT commissioner throughout the summer in following this and while there were some slight delays we are grateful for her staying on top of this project and getting it out for bid.
Dan Mundy

My apology to Commissioner Hall for this oversight.  After the 2 week period in August when I was without a computer or cell phone and up up in Buffalo with my daughter for her freshman year at college I realized I had some 240 emails waiting to be read.  In my haste to separate the wheat from the chaff, I must have inadvertently "trashed" Dan's email of August 19th.  When I received Dan's email today, I searched my "trash" file and there was his August 19th email!

That being said, the good news is that the project is  moving ahead and all the residents of W12th Road eagerly await the award of this contract and the start of construction which will, hopefully, address this decades old issue of tidal flooding on our block.


The below email was sent to Commissioner Dalila Hall (Queens DOT) on July 22, 2013 requesting that we be advised of the status of the ongoing flood mitigation project here on W12thRd in Broad Channel.

July 22, 2013
Dear Commissioner Hall,

We would appreciate it if you could update the residents of West 12th Road here in Broad Channel regarding the status of the Flood Mitigation Project (new bulkhead/street raising).

Has the project been put out for bid and if so, when is the close date for this rfp and we can we reasonably expect work to commence on the new bulkhead systems?

If the project has not been put out for bid, could you explain what is delaying this process?

If the delay is predicated on insufficient consent letters from blocks other than W12th Road, is it possible to reconfigure the bid to exclude those blocks at this time and move forward with the project?

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.
Peter J. Mahon
Broad Channel, N.Y.

On July 24, 2013 we received the following response from Commissioner Hall.

July 24, 2013
Dear Mr. Mahon:

Thank you for your email.  Throughout this project, NYCDOT and DDC have provided updates to the community though the Broad Channel Civic.  We have found that this is the most efficient method to get information to the community.  I have provided Mr. Mundy, copied here, the most recent information on the project’s status.  I appreciate your cooperation with this process and the project in general.

Sincerely, Dalila Hall

In response to our email, Commissioner Hall emailed a project status update to Dan Mundy, President of the Broad Channel Civic Association, who, in turn forwarded the below email to the W12th Road Block Association.

July 24, 2013
Here is the latest on the project timetable from commissioner hall

 "due to the internal review process the project will be advertised in mid-August: this contract/bid review has nothing to do with the design or the consent letters.  It will be bid as the three streets, we have no intention of breaking it apart.  The consent letters have been coming in, West 13th Street still has the most outstanding but again this is not a factor in the schedule right now."

In addition I have been working with both west 11 and west 13 roads and they have informed me that they are making good progress with the consent forms.  I have asked the commissioner to update me when the actual notice for bid goes out..."


As it is now September 8th, well past DOT's stated target date of mid-August for publishing the request for proposal (rfp) for this project, perhaps Commissioner Hall could update the Broad Channel Civic Association as to the status of same.

1 comment:

  1. *NOT* Fat Drunk and Happy in BCSeptember 8, 2013 at 4:55 PM

    You're still a surf.
