
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Broad Channel 2013 9/11 Memorial Service

At 7: 15 pm on the evening of Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 138 residents of Broad Channel gathered at the Flag Plaza at 18th Road Park on Cross Bay Boulevard to commemorate the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our nation of 2001.

As the Star Spangled Banner came to a close the sun waned in the western sky and the park's plaza was illuminated by two floodlights set atop a Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department truck on the boulevard.

 Josette Correa-Turchio from the Broad Channel VFW Prince-Wynn Post #260 Ladies Auxiliary addressed the crowd.

"For all Americans, for all time, the phrase 9-1-1 will evoke a special meaning, a memory of a moment in our history when the world as we knew it changed forever. 

It is fitting then that every year on September 11th Americans join together to honor the memory of the more than 3,000 people who died on that day and also the veterans overseas fighting for our freedom today.  

And it is fitting that we observe a moment of silence as a tribute to those lives cut short, and as a symbol of the empty places left behind in the hearts of those of us still living." 

 The names of those Rockaway and Broad Channel residents who perished on September 11, 2001 were individually read aloud with each name being followed by the a soft ringing of a silver bell.

At the conclusion of the reading of the names, the park was silent save for the somber sounds of a lone bugle sounding taps.

 Young children stood respectfully with their parents as the memorial service progressed.  Several cars passing the memorial service on Cross Bay Boulevard were also seen to slow down as they passed the assembled crowd with many vehicles lowering and even courteously turning off their radios/stereo systems so as not to interfere with the service..

Representatives from the Broad Channel American Legion and the Broad Channel Volunteers also addressed the crowd.

The Broad Channel Chapter of the Boy Scouts was also present and participated in the memorial service.

At the conclusion of the Memorial Service, the 18th Road Park's flag was once again raised to full staff.

"Americans will be meeting like this every September 11th, I am sure, to refresh our national memory of what we learned that day in 2001 - Not only that we have enemies in this world who want to destroy us but also that duty, loyalty, self-sacrifice and love still have meaning."
Josette Correa-Turchio: September 11, 2013

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