
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

100th Precinct Community Council September 2013 Meeting

100th Police Precinct Community Council 
General Meeting - September 2013

The New York City Police Department's 100th Precinct Community Council held its September 2013 general meeting at the Rockaway Knights of Columbus last evening at 7:30 pm.

The meeting was chaired by Dan Ruscillo, President of the Community Council and his Board of Officers accompanied by:

Captain Craig Adelman, Commanding Officer 100th Police Precinct
Captain Roberto Cruz, Commanding Officer, Transit District 23

The meeting was also attended by....

Assemblyman Phillip Goldfeder
A representative from Councilman Eric Ulrich's Office
Lew Simon, Democrat District Leader
A representative from the Queens District Attorney's Office
A representative from The Visiting Nurse Service

In addition to the above, the meeting was attended by approximately 50 residents of local neighborhoods.

Dan Ruscillio

This year there will be no meetings of the Community Council in February and March.  Instead, meetings will be held during the summer months in July and August.  If the new summer monthly meetings
do not result in in sufficient attendance, the schedule will revert back to one of no summer meetings.

A new Argus camera has been installed on Rockaway Beach Boulevard and Beach 116th street.

A Food Drive has been scheduled for Saturday, October 5th which will take place in Waldbaum's parking lot.

[Police Officer of the month awards were presented to
members of the 100th Precinct and Transit District 23 at this time by Captains Adelman and Cruz and Dan Ruscillo.]

Visiting Nurse Service

The Visiting Nurse Service (VNS) in collaboration with the Red Cross is offering free therapy sessions for individuals experiencing/exhibiting symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of Super Storm Sandy.  Staff from the VNS and Red Cross have received training at the National PTSD training Center in Vermont.

Captain Craig Adelman - 100th Precinct

The precinct has experienced a slight increase in crime related to Grand Larcenies stemming from Identity Theft and the theft of property left unattended on the beach.

An unoccupied private residence was burglarized twice within 2 weeks in Belle Harbor and while neighbors later came forward with information regarding a license plate number from a suspicious car and hearing suspicious noises, 911 was never called.  Captain Adelman stressed that residents who observe/hear anything suspicious should call 911 and provide whatever information they may have.

The St. Johns Home for Boys has experienced a marked increase in the numbers of residents arrested this year.  Thus far for 2013 a total of 39 residents have been arrested for various crimes while only 15 residents were similarly arrested during the entire calendar year of 2012.  Both Captain Adelman and Dan Ruscllo say this issue is being actively addressed with the administrator of the home.

The following smart phone apps (applications) are available for users of Apple, Blackberry and Android Smart Phones which will help police locate your lost/stolen phone.

Find My I Phone/I Pad 

Find my Blackberry

GotYa Anti-Theft Protection for Android Smart Phones

Additionally, as of September 18th, the new Apple IOS7 mobile operating system will prohibit your device from being reprogrammed without an Apple ID and password.  The IOS7 download from Apple is free.
[View NY Daily News Article: NYPD Urges Apple IOS7 Downlaod here]

The N.Y.C.P.D. and the New York Blood Center will host a blood drive on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at
222 Beach 116th Street between the hours of 12:45 pm and 6:45 pm.  All donors will be entered into a 2014 Super Bowl Raffle to win tickets.

Captain Roberto Cruz - Transit District 23

Five new officers has been assigned to the District and will be used to patrol the "A" line from Howard Beach to Mott Avenue as well as the Shuttle train between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am.  There will also be a Sergeant assigned to ensure "hands on supervision."

Question/Answer Session

Both Captains Adelman and Cruz responded to several questions and comments from those in attendance regarding:

911 responsiveness....
Armed private security staff working in area without displayed ID or uniforms....
Inoperable traffic signals and missing speed limit signs...
Speeders and vehicles making illegal turns....

A Broad Channel resident thanked the 100th Precinct for the increased presence in that community and the patrolling of east and west side street as promised at the last Community Council meeting in June 2013..

One attendee requested that consideration be afforded inviting the Federal Park Police to the monthly Precinct Community Council meetings.

A resident from Ozone thanked Captain Cruz (Transit District 23) for the very obvious and continual police presence on the subway stations he frequents daily for work.

Statement by Assemblyman Goldfeder

St. Johns Home for Boys is a causing real problem that  "must end..."

We are dealing with DOT regarding portions of the peninsula without street lights and traffic signals that must be addressed.

The Parks Department is in the process of conducting their "listening tour" meeting with Rockaway residents regarding plans for beach rebuilding and boardwalk issues.  Hopefully they will be paying attention.

Remember, your local elected representatives cannot accomplish anything without the active assistance of the community.

Statement by Lew Simon

Don't forget to vote in the October 1st Democrat run-off election for Public Advocate.

Linda Ruscillo

The 100 Precinct Community Council is pleased to announce our "Chili Cook Off" is returning...This will be our fourth year, did not have in Jan. of 2013 due to Super Storm..

Friday, January 17th, 2014 at the Knights of Columbus 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM

($12 admission at door)

This is a contest to chose the best Chili in Rockaway. A Trophy is given to the Winner. The contest will be judged by (3) members of our Community, chosen by the Council Board. Judges not yet determined.

Qualifications necessary for entries..Local Business's, Organizations and our local Firehouses. All entries must prepare enough Chili for (25) and deliver to the Knights of Columbus kitchen door by 6:00 Pm, Chili must be ready to serve (hot)

If you qualify to enter contest please contact Linda Olsen Ruscillo  via Facebook with a private message. If your not on Facebook Linda Ruscillo can be reached at 718-673-0029.

Proceeds will be equally shared with the Rockaway-Youth Task-Force and the 100th Precinct Community Council.

Prior to adjourning, the 50/50 was drawn and won by a Police Officer from the 100th Pct. who returned his winnings to the council.

[The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm with refreshments served to all attendees.]

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