
Friday, August 16, 2013

In this week's WAVE - Letter to the Editor re: 100th Police Precinct

Came across this "Letter to the Editor" in the WAVE from a Broad Channel resident regarding our 100th Police Precinct that I thought was well worth passing along.......

Dear Editor:
I wanted to thank the Police Captain of the 100 Precinct. 
On Friday night, August 9th, about 9:30 we were coming home to Broad Channel from Long Beach and I hit the curb on Rockaway Freeway and Beach 63rd Street, the construction area, and blew out my tire. We were waiting for AAA, they said they would be there about an hour. Needless to say, I was a little nervous. Earlier that day I had had the tire checked for a slow leak, it was plugged and put back on with the power screw gun.
After about a half hour, an unmarked police car pulled up behind us, and the Captain got out, came over and helped John change the flat! 
I am sorry I did not get his name, but a BIG THANK YOU to the 100 Precinct Captain!


[Note:  Captain Craig S. Adelman is the Commanding Officer of the 100th Police Precinct]

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