
Monday, August 5, 2013

From the Staten Island Advance - Filling in after FEMA's departure from Staten Island

Filling in after FEMA's departure from Staten Island

August 5, 2013

The Rev. Terry Troia, one of the clergy involved with the Interfaith Long-Term Recovery Organization, says she understands the concerns that some residents might have about FEMA sharing their contact information. (Staten Island Advance/Jan Somma-Hammel)
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. - As FEMA's role in disaster recovery on Staten Island winds down, nonprofit groups are looking to step in and fill the void -- and some Sandy victims say they aren't comfortable with the federal agency's collaboration with Staten Island Community and Interfaith Long-Term Recovery Organization.

But it's part of the typical process after any disaster, according to FEMA and the LTRO.
FEMA hasn't shared any information with the group -- yet. But at a recent meeting, the organization mentioned its intention to file a "routine use" request for contact information.

"The only reason that this information is allowed is because the LTRO is seen as the FEMA area partner, the FEMA community partner," said the Rev. Terry Troia, among the clergy members and organizations that make up the organization.

But the information-sharing upset some members of the community, including Debi Vadola of the Midland Beach Civic Association, who sent out an email on the topic.

"If they feel they have the right to hand over our information, even if it is 'only' our contact information, to the LTRO, who else do they feel it would be just fine to give this info to?" Ms. Vadola asked in an email.

But the ability to share this information with certain groups is carved out as a "reasonable use" in the 1995 Privacy Act governing FEMA registrations.

"FEMA's priority is to provide assistance to disaster survivors, and protect the information they provide to us. Upon request, FEMA shares limited, relevant recovery data related to a federally declared disaster with trusted partners such as state emergency management agencies and voluntary organizations active in disasters," a FEMA spokesman said in a statement. "This helps to expedite the recovery period and provide additional non-federal assistance options to disaster survivors. It also enhances the ability of the emergency management community to make well-informed, rapid decisions based on sound data, and avoid duplicating efforts. This information is protected under the Privacy Act, which authorizes this limited sharing with trusted partners."

Rev. Troia said FEMA was "very upfront" with the LTRO about transitioning out of Staten Island -- FEMA'S center here has been closed and its agent on the ground will be recalled, she said. The LTRO, she said, can step in to find people who, for some reason, haven't been connected with federal resources, or who need help beyond what the government can provide.

But even though it's all by the book, Rev. Troia said she understands some people's concerns. 
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"I can understand if people are walking into this and not realizing this, that people feel violated, and that's very important. We have to build the trust in the community," Rev. Troia said. "We have to build trust across the board."

Equally important, though, is the ability to reach those in need of help.

"There's so much that needs to be done, you just don't want people to fall through the cracks," she said.

Ms. Vadola didn't respond to a request to elaborate on her concerns, Dee Vandenberg, head of the Staten Island Taxpayers Association, said she'd been consulting with civic groups on the matter -- and said FEMA should have been more up front about the potential for information to be shared.

"FEMA should have explained themselves to people," she said.

Many homeowners didn't have land lines after the forms and listed their cell phone numbers as contact information, she said. She's concerned in particular about certain groups represented in the LTRO having that information, saying people in the neighborhood don't trust Rev. Troia's Project Hospitality, which helps the homeless, and Occupy Sandy.

"I don't see them helping any of the homeowners," she said.

But Rev. Troia responded with a verbal list of situations the LTRO has recently addressed, even before having this information.

One man was living in a toolshed behind his wrecked bungalow, after the family member who owned it, and was the one registered for FEMA, died. He's been moved to a hotel -- with Project Hospitality paying the bill. They recently identified a pair of developmentally disabled family members who lost their home, and didn't understand that their housing assistance was for an apartment -- and spent it all on a hotel.

"They needed to be referred to a special needs unit of FEMA," Ms. Troia explained. "Somehow, they slipped through the cracks."

Ms. Troia said the very basic contact information will be used to follow up with folks who have requested help from FEMA -- particularly the elderly or those with special needs -- and to help them.

The LTRO was officially designated as such in January, after the interfaith group of charities held dozens of open meetings, which FEMA attended.

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