
Thursday, August 15, 2013

From Slow recovery for Breezy Point

Slow, Complicated Recovery for Breezy Point


When Hurricane Sandy hit last year, water and fire damage destroyed approximately 350 
out of the 2,800 homes in Breezy Point, a cooperative community on the Queens 
waterfront. As of today, reports the Wall Street Journal, only one house–a wooden affair 
at 10 Gotham Lane–has risen from the wreckage. Residents point the finger at a maze of 
governmental red tape as the reason so little progress has been made. “It’s at times very 
frustrating when you meet a roadblock, a wheel of bureaucracy. You’re put through a 
drawn-out process of facing a bunch of objections to what you’ve submitted,” said Arthur 
Lighthall, general manager of the private community’s cooperative. “They have rules and 
regulations, they have codes, they have zoning. The system makes it very difficult for 
anyone to maneuver around it.” One big problem: City maps on file didn’t even correctly 
reflect the street grid. Another snag: Many residents lost their records in the storm. On 
top of that, it took FEMA many months to release new flood zone information. Residents 
just want to get back to the way things were. “This community will always consist of 
individual one- and two-story houses,” said Lighthall. “That’s what we want to see. We 
are not interested in new development and major changes.
Photo from

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