
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Breezy Point Still Struggling....

Little is rebuilt at Breezy Point, 9 months after being burned during Sandy

Associated Press

August 9, 2013

On a desolate stretch of sand and concrete rubble in a beachfront community, a lone home is rising amid the ruins of nearly 130 houses that burned to ashes during Superstorm Sandy.
Nine months after the fire tore through Breezy Point, a neighborhood of tightly packed homes in New York City, this house is the only one under construction in the burn zone, the swath of homes that went up like tinderboxes during the storm.
Rows of rectangular boxes sunk into the sand form a graveyard of wrecked homes. American flags waving feebly from the ground help mark where a street once existed.
"That fire zone is the one scar out of all of this that won't go away," said Kieran Burke, a firefighter whose home was destroyed in the blaze. "These aren't just beach homes. These are people's lives. This is a way of life."
A perfect storm of government inefficiency, cumbersome permit laws and general confusion has hampered the recovery effort in Breezy Point, which became a symbol of the storm's devastation after images of the charred neighborhood were broadcast to the rest of the world.
As Sandy battered the East Coast, its storm surge destroyed homes and cost billions in damage.
Sparked when rising water flooded one home's electrical system, the fire swept unchecked through the area as it was inundated with surging seawater, preventing fire trucks from entering Breezy to stop it. Nearly 130 homes were reduced to blackened rubble. A photograph of a statue of the Virgin Mary that survived the fire became an iconic image of the storm's wrath.
About 350 of the nearly 3,000 homes in Breezy Point were wrecked beyond repair from flood or fire during the storm. But while many of the flooded homes began repairs months ago, the people who once lived in the fire zone are stuck in no-man's land.
Some homeowners have filed plans to rebuild, but few have been approved by the city or by the Breezy Point Cooperative, which runs the neighborhood.
Some people are battling with insurance companies. Others waited months for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to finalize its newly updated flood maps, which put Breezy Point in a more stringent flood zone with higher elevation requirements. And still more are waiting for the government and the cooperative to approve a long list of permits and plans that stand in the way of starting construction.
Meanwhile, homeowners like Burke are struggling to afford rental housing on top of the mortgage that they're still paying on a pile of sand.
"We're paying a mortgage, we're paying real estate tax, we're paying insurance, we're paying everything," said Burke, who has been renting a house in suburban Yonkers with his wife and two young sons. "So basically we're living a dual life. We have two homes, and we never prepared for that."
Burke's grandparents owned his two-story home, and like many Breezy abodes, it was passed down through the generations. During the storm, he waded through flooded streets and helped rescue neighbors before narrowly escaping his own home as it caught fire.
"I'm 41 years old and we're dipping into retirement funds," he said. "A lot of people are actually going broke over this."
Adding to the confusion is the fact that many Breezy homes were built on unmapped streets, which means that they have to apply for a special permit from the state to rebuild.
"It's good for morale to see a house going up," said A.J. Smith, a spokesman for the cooperative. "But we really need the buildings department to act on some of these plans."
Building plans began moving forward in recent weeks after the city resolved some issues with the cooperative that had been delaying plans, such as agreeing on a market value of each home in Breezy, said Peter Spencer, spokesman for the Mayor's Office of Housing Recovery.
"We have been working closely with the co-op board on getting things expedited," Spencer said. "It's one big area that has to be handled as a massive redevelopment."
The home that's under construction is owned by Sue Flynn, a mother of two who has summered in Breezy with her family since she was a baby. The Flynn family was luckier than others, she said, because they rebuilt their home in 2010 and already had the required permits and building plans.
But it's lonely being the only house on the block.
"It won't be the same until our neighbors are back," Flynn said. "And I know they'll come back. It's a strong group."
It's been a quiet summer in Breezy, where children roam the streets barefoot and everybody knows their neighbors by name. The Fourth of July fireworks display was canceled. The beach is still manned by lifeguards, but there aren't many people in the water this year.
Residents are hopeful that progress will come soon. The Flynns' home is expected to be completed this fall.
"I was a little wary about being the first to build. But once I got the positive feedback from the community, I was really happy about it," Flynn said. "Because I'm very happy to be in a position to show that we can make progress and growth."
In the coming weeks, Burke plans to submit building plans to the government for his new home. He'd love to be back for Christmas but realizes that's unlikely.
No matter how long it takes, he's determined to make it home.
"For a neighborhood that's going through all of this turmoil," he said, "people are fighting to come back."


  1. This brings me back to the first Broad Channel civic association meeting after hurricane Sandy. It was held a couple of days after the storm, outside the still darkened American Legion hall. People here at that time were angry, scared, and frustrated as we watched a steady stream of aid and emergency vehicles moving through town, down Crossbay Blvd., on their way to Rockaway. Why weren't any of them stopping here, we all wondered? As we waited for our political representatives and city officials to arrive to give us some information about what to expect in the immediate future, the crowd grew agitated. Our leaders were delayed. Some in the crowd moved to Crossbay Blvd. to block the traffic to Rockaway. Just when it looked as though a riot was about to occur, civic association president Dan Mundy Jr. climbed the steps outside the Legion, and with some choice words not normally heard in a typical civic association meeting, nipped that potential riot in the bud. Shortly after this our government officials arrived, and climbed the steps, standing alongside Dan. When then congressman Bob Turner began to speak, the crowd was still pretty noisy. It was more subdued by the time he finished, though. "You know, the federal government thinks that Broad Channel has it relatively easy" he began. He went on to describe the devastation on the Rockaway peninsula, ending up with his own neighborhood of Breezy Point. "In Breezy Point, we just had 130 homes burn to the ground during the storm" he said. "One of them was mine"

  2. We helped each other,OUR government was and is NOWHERE to be found.(All TALK WITH NOOOOOO ACTION)Typical of politicians,don't we think

  3. I agree that the government is all talk AND NO ACTION! FEMA hasn't helped anyone. Hence, STOP FEMA NOW!!!! After this gets rebuilt the flood insurance premiums will bankrupt so many people. Hence the reason to repeal the Biggert-Water Act of 2012. Join STOP FEMA NOW. Don't let the mismanaged government ruin you lives.
