
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Water Bill Usage and Charges

We received the below email from the office of Councilman Eric Ulrich regarding complaints about water bill usage and charges.

Sent: 7/16/2013 5:06:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: FW: Water Bill Usage Charge

Thought you’d find this info helpful.  We had been getting complaints that people were getting water bills even though they weren’t living in the house for a few months.  They were mainly coming out of Broad Channel but it’s presumably an issue everywhere.  I copy and pasted the response from DEP that explains everything.  It was a pretty good explanation so I figured I’d forward it over in case any of you were getting complaints.  Long story short, is that if anyone wants to contest their water bill, we can have DEP review it.

So here's the deal from DEP:

1. Bills were suspended as soon as Sandy hit. Now bills come every three months so let's say you were due to get your bill on Nov 1 2012, we held it until now (people got notified of this a while ago and again before the new bills went out). So some people are getting their regular water bill that was due way back then.
2. Unless you had your service shut off (which were most red tagged homes) you still pay the minimum charge. We don't have a choice in this and it would require a change in state law.
3. Most if not all utilities have a fixed minimum charge (cable, phone, etc.). By being hooked up and paying you are guaranteed service.

Finally, like other people who have raised this individually, we looked at the accounts. Most people used water of course to clean up post storm. So we see when they actually used water and in most cases I would think they utilized the service even if they didn't officially move back in. We will look at any individual bill though, so don't hesitate to send anything over. 


  1. I have a question about the "you are guaranteed service." quote. The minimum charges also apply to Con Ed. Con Ed returned NO MONEY for spoiled food even though we were without service for weeks and weeks. Cable however DID refund money or never charged us. if these "utilities" with a monopoly for essential services charge a minimum for guaranteed service, why do some charge and keep it, while others refund or don't charge?

  2. Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilioJuly 18, 2013 at 7:58 AM

    Someone needs to reply to Dr. Kit.
