
Friday, July 26, 2013

Request for Interview Re; Eaglei Production Co., Belgium

We have received the below request from Mr. Koen Soete from Eaglei

Dear Mr. Mahon,

My name is Koen Soete and I work as a producer for EAGLEi a production company from Belgium. I am based in New York City. I mostly work together with European TV networks like TF1 (France); BBC, VRT (Belgium) NOS & NTR (The Netherlands) We are currently producing a documentary for NTR, a television network from the Netherlands. They are making stories in Greenland and New York City to discuss the problems of climate change. Our guest during the filming will be Andre Kuipers, an Astronaut who was on a space mission last year. During his time in the international space station Mr Kuipers saw some critical issues occurring at the North Pole that could be a major problem for New York City in the future. 

One of the problems that you guys are having is off course the flooding but also politicians that are saying that places like Broad Channel should not get any further support and maybe should be abandoned.

We are hoping to talk to you and other residents of Broad Channel about your struggles but also to learn a little bit more about why you guys are willing to stay in the town. 

I hope we can arrange a meeting and I truly believe that are audience will benefit from your stories and experiences.    

Do not hesitate to contact me with all your questions!

All my best,

Koen Soete

We have reached out to Mr. Soete in this regard to ascertain the exact focus of his story pertaining to these requested interviews.  If everything works out, we will schedule a meeting with Eaglei and Mr. Soete in the near future and advise those of you who are interested in participating of the time and date of same.

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