
Thursday, June 6, 2013

W12thRd Resident Assaulted Interrupting a Burglary of a Displaced Neighbor's Home...

100th Precinct RMP and Van on W12th Road earlier today

Mike McLaughlin, a resident of West 12th Road was in the process of routinely checking the rear of his storm displaced neighbors (Lenny and Sophia DeVirgilio)  home when he interrupted two males dressed in work clothes one of whom who he observed to be removing copper pipe from inside the residence. 

When the Mike challenged the male (light skinned Hispanic) inside the residence he was physically attacked with a metal pipe without provocation and while defending himself, the second male (dark skinned Hispanic or black) male, who had been removing articles from an outside deck storage unit unobserved, came to his accomplices aid and also struck Mike in his head and face with a metal pipe causing injury.

Mike McLoughlin of West 12th Road after his assault

The two males fled the residence and quickly departed W12th Road in a silver Nissan with Georgia plates (Partial Plate #853) and tinted windows which had been parked outside the DeVirgilio residence.

Other neighbors subsequently remarked that they may have observed these two males to be walking along street looking at houses or other times sitting in their parked car but assumed they were present on the block for legitimate purposes. legitimately working.

911 was called and two units from the 100th Police Precinct were dispatched to take the requisite reports.

While many of us assume that the strangers we routinely observe on our blocks in work clothes are there for a legitimate purpose, that is not always the case. 

If you observe and are suspicious of the intent of anyone entering or remaining on a neighbor's property, call 911 and report your suspicions and document any and all pertinent information (i.e. description, clothing, car make, model plate #, etc.).

At best, you may prevent a theft from or vandalism to a neighbor's property, at worst, the individuals may, in fact, be authorized to be on that harm, no foul.

Do not let anyone tell you that you are "overreacting" or "wasting resources" by requesting to have the police dispatched to respond and check these type of situations out....remember, it's the city that is constantly telling us:
"If you see something, say something!"

By the way, the residents of W12th Rd are truly blessed in having an individual  like Mike McLaughlin as a neighbor!


  1. Lock and load people. Even the thought of armed Americans will stop the thieves! Americans have the right to protect our property. Just make sure you use shot gun shells. That is a small neighborhood and you don't want the shells to penetrate into the next home.

  2. Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilioJune 7, 2013 at 9:19 AM

    West 12th Road has a new Man of Steel, but even he's no match for copper.
