
Monday, June 24, 2013

Broad Channel Civic Association Newsletter for June

The Broad Channel Civic Association
Newsletter for June

This issue of the Newsletter is sponsored by
Hillebrand Funeral Homes, Inc.

American Legion Hall   7:30 PM
June 27, 2013 

President’s Message
A big welcome back to many of our residents who are finally back in their homes and to those still working to get back -  know that eventually you will be in your own homes again and that it will have been worth the effort !!

On June 10th the revised FEMA Advisory Flood Maps were released. These updated maps are a tremendous victory for Broad Channel, which went from a “V” zone, with its massive premium assessments, to an “AE” zone and saw elevations originally identified at 13 to 15 feet reduced down to mainly 10 feet, with some homes at 11 feet. Broad Channel saw the most dramatic reductions from FEMA’s original proposal back in January.  This was in no small part due to the big push back that this town mounted to the initial maps at town hall meetings and in numerous correspondences to our elected officials. The Civic quickly condemned the outrageous zoning and elevations first released and passed a unanimous resolution opposing the Flood Maps and the Biggert/Waters Flood Reform Act. The great turnouts and involvement by the residents of this town, where FEMA reps were put on the spot and the flaws within these maps identified, as well as the support of all of our elected officials helped to bring about the big changes that were revealed in the revised edition.

Thanks to the efforts of Assemblyman Goldfeder and Councilman Ulrich, the very real threat of the loss of some of our teachers at PS  47 due to excising has been overcome, and we are told that the school will not have any teachers excised next fall. The DOE’s misguided plan to count our current enrollment as that which would dictate the formula for teachers in the Fall, was a slap in the face to this recovering community and failed to recognize that by next Fall all of our students would be back. The actions on the part of the Assemblyman and Councilman are greatly appreciated!

Residents are asked to report to 311 any infrastructure problems that they see outside their residences or anywhere else in Broad Channel (ex: pot holes, road depressions, dead trees, catch basin problems, etc.). Impacts from the storm are just now coming to light, and the 311 system is often used to identify funding needs.

Biggert Waters Flood Reform Act update—This critical legislation, which if unchanged will impose flood insurance premiums of up to $10,000, on many coastal residents, continues to be the focus of Congressional discussion and proposals for change. Senator Landrieu of Louisiana has been leading this effort, supported by Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand, with the “S.M.A.R.T. NFIP ACT”, which will delay premium increases and repeal provisions preventing new owners of sold homes to continue subsidized rates. This is in addition to the “Cassidy Amendment”, that passed the House, which would delay any flood insurance premiums for one year until the affordability study has been completed. We will continue to follow these encouraging developments and keep the town posted. 

The registration period is now open for the Community Development Block Grant program (CDBG) which we have spoken about and is now referred to as the NYC Build It Back Program. All residents can now register through either 311 or at -- to seek grant monies for rebuilding, repairs, raising homes and even reimbursement for expenses not covered. We are told all should register in order to determine if they are entitled to any type of grant funding. 

The June 27th Civic Meeting at the American Legion at 7:30 pm will be the last Civic meeting for the summer, and meetings will resume on September 26th.  We wish everyone a happy and safe summer in which the memory of Sandy is a distant one. This town has made great strides since the storm, and we will continue to do so.  It is still the “Best and most unique place in NYC to live”.

Quote:  since summer is finally here: It’s been a long, cold, lonely winter, it feels like years since it’s been here, here comes the sun.  THE Beatles

Respectfully submitted, 
Dan Mundy Jr.

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