
Monday, June 10, 2013

Bill or Lien against home for rapid repair work !!

Bill or Lien against home for rapid repair work !!

The civic association has received notice that some residents have received a certified mail notice that there is going to be a lien placed against their home as a result of an unpaid bill for work that was done during the rapid repair work. 

We have inquired about this and were told that all work done during rapid repair work was done by a contractor who was required to post a bond and that any resident who receives this type of notice need not take any action as they will receive , within two weeks, a similar certified mail notice which will be a notice of “discharge of bond” which will remove them and their home from the involvement in this discussions which are mainly a disagreement between the sub contractor, contractor, and the City over payments made for work performed.

Dan Mundy, Jr.
Broad Channel Civic Association

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