
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Kevin Boyle, Editor of The WAVE, Keeps the "Heat On" issues of Flood Insurance and New FEMA Maps!

Kevin Boyle, Editor, The WAVE

Earlier this week, Mr. Kevin Boyle, the editor of our local newspaper, The WAVE, appeared on NY1's "Road to City Hall" to discuss the post Sandy problems being experienced by his readership.

In a lengthy eight minute interview with NY1 (which you can view by clicking here),
Mr. Boyle touches all the bases in explaining the present problems and inequities
faced by local residents stemming from the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform
Act of 2012,  the new FEMA flood maps, etc.

Mr. Boyle and The WAVE have been all over this issue for some time now and it is refreshing to see that his involvement has now fostered an interest in this matter by a major news outlet like NY1. 

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