
Thursday, April 18, 2013

In this week's FORUM - Designer Gardens and Nurseries of Broad Channel


A before view of the site where landscape dreams will become reality. For what the space looks like now, you'll have to pay a visit to the new Designer Gardens and Nurseries of Broad Channel located at 125 Cross Bay Boulevard. The grand opening is slated for Saturday, April 20.

Brown lawns, dead shrubs and lifeless plants are soon to be a thing of the past in Broad Channel and its surrounding communities after the miraculous transformation of a rectangular space on Cross Bay Boulevard in Broad Channel. Yes, the garden salvation center has taken root.
Landscape designer and owner of Garden Works NYC of Astoria, Sal Bacarella, got the idea to open the mini-nursery and landscaping center while he was assisting friend Councilman Eric Ulrich with volunteer activity in Broad Channel after the storm.
“I was here quite a bit in the weeks following the storm,” Bacarella said.
“It just felt like the right thing to do.” And in his daily trips to bring supplies and help with clean outs he saw the devastation that the storm brought to the communities lawns, gardens and plants.
“There is nothing quite like the destructive power of salt water,” said Bacarella, “and this community as well as Howard Beach and Rockaway, have a long way to go to come back, but we’re certainly here to help with that.”
So Bacarella saw the opportunity to take a small space located between the Broad Channel Athletic Club and the American Legion Hall on Cross Bay Boulevard and bring his brand of services to the tiny community.
With over twenty years of landscape, architectural, construction and commercial management experience, his parent company, Garden Works NYC, has always been known for quality work, prompt and friendly service, and attention to every detail. The design and installation of landscapes is their primary business, however the Broad Channel location, despite it’s small size, has very big ambitions.
The location is chock full of plants, trees, perennials, pavers and everything else needed to beautify homes and lawns destroyed in the storm.
In addition they will offer the same landscape design and construction services that the central Garden Works location offers.
Bacarella says that he’s always been a believer that great things can come in small packages and that he is very excited to bring his services and expertise into the community he has become so fond of.
And even before opening his new venture, he has demonstrated exactly what kind of a community partner he is.
Upon noticing the condition of the fields at the Broad Channel Athletic Club, he knew he had to do something to help.
“I spoke to the powers that be at the BCAC and I offered to try and get the fields back into shape. Anyone who knows anything about the Channel knows how much of a role the BCAC plays here,” Bacarella said. “This was a no brainer and it had to get done.”
And so with the upcoming Little League Season on the horizon the work began. At his own expense, and overseeing every possible detail, Bacarella implemented the steps necessary to begin restoring the fields. “We renovated the fields, dug them up, aerated, seeded, leveled and graded the infields and playing surfaces.” Now teams will enjoy better looking and safer playing conditions.
One thing that bacarella says he hopes everyone will stop by for is a lot of free advice. “A lot of salt water came up with this storm tide and the key to restoration, at least initially is proper and sufficient watering,” the landscaper advises. Garden Works of Broad Channel will stock a fertilizer preparation that will also remedy what is ailing so many properties. “The most important thing people can do right away is maintenance of proper pH levels.
And for those looking to add to their current landscapes, or lack of them, the nursery section will be stocking plenty of plants, shrubs and trees suitable for shore locations.
Designer Gardens and Nurseries of Broad Channel is opening on Thursday, April 18 and will have it’s Grand Opening celebration on Saturday right after the official opening of the Broad Channel Little League season at the BCAC.
The nursery will be open 7 days a week.
For more information please call 855-543-6877
By Patricia Adams


  1. EXCELLENT!! I'll be coming by to help change my black thumb to (at best, I'm not too ambitious) a greenish-brown thumb.

  2. I have a very very small planting box in front of my house that needs to be redone when I move back. I'm not good at growing things at all. maybe they could advise me on how best to fix it up!

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