
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Community Development Block Grant Programs in New Jersey and New York...Not everyone is on the same page!

We just received the below email from George Kasimos, founder of the Stop FEMA Now organization regarding the information provided at the recent Broad Channel Civic Association by Mr. Brad Gair, Director of the N.Y.C. Housing Recovery Operations (HRO) and posted on this site.

"Incredible.  In NJ “our understanding” is that if you do NOT apply for SBA loan you will NOT be eligible for CDBG. 

We would assume that because CDBG is federal program the requirements would be the same. 

We will do some research on our side and hopefully we can both figure out what the truth is….

The CDBG grant is a Federal program.  We would ASSUME the requirements are the same nationally.

In NJ it is our understanding, that you MUST apply for SBA loan to be eligible for the CDBG grants.  Is it the same for NJ.

Here is the NJ – CDBG link and section referring to unmet needs.  Lets us know what you all find out?

Here is what the NJ CDBG Action Plan states
2.2 Summary of Impact and Unmet Needs
According to HUD, “unmet needs” are financial resources necessary to recover
from a disaster that are not satisfied by other public or private funding sources
like FEMA Individual Assistance, SBA Disaster Loans, or private insurance. 

Please let us know if it the same in NY. The misinformation In Jersey is RIDICULOUS."

George Kasimos
Stop FEMA Now

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