
Friday, April 5, 2013

Broad Channel Historical Society Meets....

Broad Channel Group Keeps History Alive

Working to preserve their town’s unique past, the Broad Channel Historical Society meets for the first time since the hurricane. Members pictured here include (l to r) Jane Mary Tubridy, Barbara Toborg, Dan Mundy Sr., Joe Young and Dan Guarino. Photo by Mary Mundy.

The Broad Channel Historical Society had its own historic moment as they met for the first time since Hurricane Sandy hit the island community.
Chairperson Barbara Toborg, Jane Mary Tubridy, Joe Young, Dan Mundy Sr. and Dan Guarino convened on Saturday, March 9th, to discuss the group’s course as they recover from the storm.
Other members include John McCambridge, Mary O’Connell, Jenny Swadosh and Albin Jones. The late Jane Turbridy was also a member.
A portion of the historical collection, which includes photographs, newspaper articles, books and memorabilia of the town’s unique past, was lost to the flood.
Included in what was lost were reproductions of historic photos and articles and dozens of copies of “Images of America: Broad Channel,” authored by Liz and Dan Guarino. Also lost was the collection of Broad Channel columns written for The Wave by both Liz Guarino and Kathy Louis.
The Society is now working on rebuilding their collection and replacing basic supplies, furniture and equipment. They are calling on local neighbors and out of area residents who may have saved pieces of BC’s past to contact them.
All items will be copied and returned.
They are also looking into the possibility of finding a storefront to be able to store and display the collection.
Toborg also noted the popular Broad Channel Historical calendars for 2013 are still available at $5 each at both Channel bagel shops.
For information regarding calendars or donating historical items, contact Barbara Toborg at 347-343-0968

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