
Monday, April 22, 2013

Broad Channel Civic Association 
 President's Message 
[Next Meeting Thursday 4/25/2013 @ 7:30pm - American Legion Hall]

The Broad Channel Civic Association has been notified of the just released Congressional 
Advisory #134. This advisory notice pertains to the new FEMA flood maps that we have objected to due to their numerous errors, overstated elevations and misapplication of the very detrimental V zone designation. The stated changes seem to be very encouraging including the statements of “Key differences will include reduction in some areas of the V (velocity) zones – for example, Broad Channel is now an A zone.” As well as “Broad Channel: Significant V to A zone changes. Significant restructuring of flood zones. Significant difference in elevation requirements”. While this sounds very positive, we of course will want to see the actual maps and study these changes in detail. The new map is supposed to be released on May 31st.  FEMA officials had initially indicated that there would be small changes to the zoning and probably no changes to the elevation and that meetings like the one held in Broad Channel in February where residents turned out by the hundreds and the town passed a unanimous resolution, were a waste of time as the only appeal we would be entitled to would be an individual one, sometime in the future. The fact is that our meetings, emails, phone calls, and news stories have had an impact and this effort along with the influence exerted by our elected officials- Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand and Congressman Meeks have helped to bring some commons sense to the mapping process. IF the changes are as significant as portrayed in this notice we will have won the first battle in this war.
Flood Insurance reform, particularly reforming the Biggert/Waters Flood Reform Act of 2012, is the second and more serious battle that every resident residing in a coastal community must become involved in. Premiums escalating to $9500, or more, are unacceptable and outrageous. Residents around the country are waking up to this threat and becoming involved. From Stop FEMA Now in New Jersey, to huge town hall meetings in Louisiana, the call for action is growing daily. Congressman Meeks has indicated that he will be calling on the HUD Secretary to halt all premium increases until the “affordability study,” that is mandated by law, is completed and reviewed. This study is one of the best chances for opening the door to reform as it requires an in depth study of the impact that these premium increases will have on home owners and any study that is accurate would have to depict those impacts as drastic.

The CDBG (Community Development Block Grants) have been reviewed by the Civic Association and comments submitted. We are extremely upset at the current funding structure used to determine a resident’s “unmet needs” for assistance grants for rebuilding and raising homes. The concept of an SBA loan, even one that was declined by the homeowner, being applied against what a resident may receive, in the form of a grant for raising or rebuilding, is disgraceful. This will have the effect of precluding many homeowners from seeking this federal assistance to raise their homes. This is just one of the many questions that residents have about the distribution of the very substantial funds that the City has received from FEMA for rebuilding. In order to hopefully clear up some of the questions surrounding this plan we will have Brad Gair from the Mayor’s Office HRO present to discuss the issue of Block Grants and how the City intends to disburse this round of funding as well as the next two rounds if appropriated. This is an excellent opportunity to question the key official in charge of a very critical program. Anyone who is considering raising their home or rebuilding a substantially damaged home should attend the Civic meeting to better understand their options. The opportunity to register for this program will be opening up soon and now is the time to get well versed on your grant opportunities. 

The Civic Association would like to thank all of our advertisers who have supported us last year.  It is only thru your support that we can continue to provide monthly updates to our residents. This edition has no ads as we have completed the end of the yearly cycle and will be running ads again starting next month for those businesses who wish to commit to the upcoming year. Please contact John Wagner at 718-710-2793 if you would like to advertise in the Civic Newsletter.

Quote of the Month:   “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
---Margaret Mead

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Mundy Jr.

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