
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Project "Safe Surrender....

Project Safe Surrender 
Do you, or someone you know, have an open warrant or outstanding summons? Afraid to go to court, or to get stopped on the street for fear of going to jail over this outstanding warrant or summons?

Come to Mt Pisgah Baptist Church (212 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn NY) this Friday and Saturday March 29th and 30th from 9am and 3pm to resolve these outstanding warrants. 

While this is not amnesty, the Brooklyn DA's office will give favorable consideration to those who participate.

Project Safe Surrender (PSS) is a community program that helps individuals resolve summons/warrants.  An added benefit of this program is that it also helps individuals re-enter society by connecting them with vital social assistance in the areas of health, housing, employment, employment training and education. 

Local Clergy and Pastors, as well as Defense Attorneys, will be available to help you resolve these issues, and a resource fair and food will be provided on site.

It is vital that you please share this information with everyone you know and get this out to as many people as possible. Lent is often considered a season of new beginnings - and this program is a great way to start anew.

The following charges are available to be handled during this program:

Disorderly conduct
Unlawfully in a park after hours
Failure to comply with posted signs in park
Marijuana possession 
Smoking marijuana 
Unlawful possession of Alcohol under age 21
Consumption of Alcohol in Public
Aggressive Solicitation
Unlawful possession of handcuffs
Riding a bicycle on the sidewalk
Making unreasonable noise
Animal nuisance
Failure to have a dog license
Unleashed dog

  No More Worry, No More Waiting

Clergy, Pastors, Lay Members and Defense Attorneys will be available to help you resolve outstanding Summons Warrants. 

While this is not amnesty, favorable consideration will be given to those who participate.

Please remember this is open to anyone in NYC that has an open Summons/Warrant.

For More Info Call: 718-388-3900

For more information on all of the programs we offer, or for crime prevention and personal safety tips visit our website:

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