
Thursday, March 14, 2013

City Council Legislation Re: Elevating Flood Damaged Homes

Hurricane Sandy destroyed or damaged over 18,500 homes and buildings in New York City, and these property owners, as well as those in other areas prone to flooding, will likely want to consider how to protect against flood damage and save on future flood insurance costs. Additionally, the City’s Flood Insurance Rate Map is currently being revised; once finalized, it will likely identify new flood-prone areas. Many owners in these communities may also choose to elevate their existing homes or buildings.

Yesterday, the City Council voted on a bill to protect New Yorkers undertaking this complex work by requiring the following:

• First, the title page of construction plans submitted to DOB would have to clearly state whether the project will involve elevation work.

• Second, contractors would have to give 48 hours’ notice to DOB before elevating a home, which would give DOB the opportunity to monitor the work if it chooses.

• Third, elevation work would be subject to special inspection.  That means a review of the work will be conducted by a qualified person chosen by the owner or contractor and authorized by DOB.

• Fourth, the Department of Consumer Affairs would provide education to homeowners and the public regarding the types of work that home improvement contractors can do and the licenses and permits those contractors need in order to engage in certain work.
This legislation is prompted in part by Louisiana’s experience following Hurricane Katrina. After the storm, a rush to elevate homes, without first putting in place proper procedural safeguards, led to a home collapse and construction site death.
The Mayor has already issued an Executive Order that allows property owners to elevate their buildings without violating height limits in the zoning rules. The Council’s legislation aims to ensure that this elevation work is done safely and properly.

Minority Leader Oddo said, “Anyone can say they know how to elevate a home, but do they really? The experience in New Orleans was that many fly by night actors emerged, leading to awful, improper and even tragic results. Councilman Ignizio's legislation is designed to prevent the mistakes that happened post Katrina and he should be lauded for being proactive in protecting those already victimized by Sandy.”

“Home elevation is going to be an increasing issue in
New York as we continue the recovery process, post Hurricane Sandy,” said Council Member Vincent Ignizio. “We have a responsibility to both educate and protect homeowners seeking to raise their homes. This bill will do just that.”


  1. Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilioMarch 14, 2013 at 9:10 AM

    More costs and red tape for home owners with having to have someone monitor this process. Looks like someone (s) will be making out like a bandit.

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