
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Calm's just another nor'easter!

I understand that everyone is still quite nervous about the weather, especially pending storms, since our experience last October with "Sandy".

"Saturn" is simply yet another nor'easter in a long line of nor'easters that we have come to expect each winter season here in the Channel.

Yes there will be wind, rain, snow and some tidal flooding but absolutely nothing that we haven't experienced and easily dealt with before.

By this time Saturday, "Saturn" will have blown by and we will all be reminding ourselves, and then immediately forgetting,  to set our clocks ahead one hour for the start of daylight savings!

Take a deep breath and spend a few minutes listening to the voice of Lena Horne below who had her own bad experience with "stormy weather".

Of course if you are still determined to let this storm rattle your nerves to no end you can join our neighbor below who went out to get "bread and milk" after hearing about the "nor'easter"!

1 comment:

  1. Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilioMarch 5, 2013 at 1:39 PM

    Stormy weather = soggy bread and watery milk!! Holy cow, these are some talented folks!!!
