
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Celebrate Historical Day in Broad Channel

The Historical Society of the Broad Channel Civic Association will sponsor Historical Day on Sunday, October 28, 2012 at the VFW Hall on Shad Creek Road in Broad Channel from Noon until 5 PM.

The public is invited to view the extensive collection, thanks to the participation of past and present residents of Broad Channel. The town’s unique history is captured in artifacts, pictures, newspaper articles, documents, and letters, as well as written, audio and video reminiscences. Much new material has been obtained since the 2010 Historical Day, including the 50th Anniversary video of the Broad Channel Athletic Club (BCAC) in 2011.

The 2013 Historical Calendar, which gives times of high tide (very important if you live in Broad Channel) will be on sale for $5. The cover depicts the Mardi Gras swimming races at the Broad Channel Day Camp, formerly the Broad Channel Bathing Park. Also on sale will be the book Broad Channel by Liz and Dan Guarino, published by Arcadia Press.

Residents are encouraged to bring new material for the collection. Original pictures and documents will be copied and returned to donors.

The work of the Historical Society has been supported by sales of the calendar and book, as well as grants from NY State legislators.

For further information, contact Barbara Toborg at (718) 474-1127  For a photo, email at

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