
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Flood Mitigation Project Update

From this week's Broad Channel Bits column in the WAVE:

Regarding the West 11, 12 and 13 Roads street raising project BC Civic Association President Dan Mundy Jr. mentions, “One issue that arose for the first time…is that of ‘No Parking’ signs on one side of each block. This was never suggested in numerous discussions to date.” The Civic is opposed to any inclusion of this provision in the final project plan.

Additionally, Dan Mundy Jr., President of the Broad Channel Civic Association recently transmitted an email stating:

I had asked Commissioner McCarthy to attend the March 29th civic meeting to allow for us to address the issue of the No Parking Signs as a part of the street reconstruction project. Unfortunately Commissioner Mc Carthy will be away on vacation at that time . I believe that it is imperative that we resolve the issue that has arisen, of the City indicating that they now want to install no parking signs as part of the street rasing project, before these plans are completed. The Commissioner has agreed to meet prior to her going on vacation on March 21st at 6pm at the North Channel Yacht Club.

At this time we are looking for each of the three blocks to have a representative at this meeting who can speak to the impact that these signs will have on their block as well as the blocks position on such signs being a part of the project. If possible could each of the three blocks put something together and ensure they have a representative at the meeting.

Dan Mundy

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