
Friday, February 10, 2012

From this week's WAVE....


Congressman Bob Turner attended the Broad Channel Civic Association meeting [on] Thursday, January 27, to update residents on his first five months in office, and to assure them that he is addressing their local concerns. Turner spoke before a packed room at the Shad Creek VFW in Broad Channel.

“The Broad Channel Civic Association has done an outstanding job highlighting the challenges facing the community and I am committed to working closely with them as their Congressman. All the areas I am honored to represent should know that their unique and local issues will be priorities of my office,” Turner said.

The Congressman gave an update on the issues he has been working on for Broad Channel. Specifically, he noted the successful effort to include a resident toll discount for the Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge for Broad Channel in the Governors’ proposed budget. Turner, who contacted Governor Cuomo and MTA Chairman Joe Lhota about the unfairness of the toll on Broad Channel residents stated, “I was proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder and Broad Channel on this issue, and am pleased that Governor Cuomo has recognized that local residents should not have to pay a toll to conduct basic daily activities.”

Citing an effort to make it more convenient for Broad Channel residents to meet with his office and receive assistance with federal agencies, at this January 27 meeting Turner noted that on Monday, January 30 he would be holding a satellite congressional field office event at the Broad Channel library where local residents could meet with his office’s senior caseworker to discuss help with personal cases dealing with federal agencies. In addition, the Congressman mentioned his meeting earlier in the day with representatives of National Grid and emphasized the importance of bringing natural gas to Broad Channel, the only area of New York City still without access to natural gas.

Turner also gave an overview of his first five months in office, including his committee appointments, trips to Afghanistan and Israel, and focus on creating jobs and preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Turner praised the efforts of Broad Channel Civic Association, and its president, Dan Mundy Jr., and his father, past president Dan Mundy, Sr., for their hard work and dedication.

“The Mundys know the issues inside and out and have been enormously helpful to me and my office in addressing important Broad Channel and Rockaway issues,” Congressman Turner said.

Dan Mundy Jr. stated, “The Broad Channel Civic Association was pleased to have Congressman Bob
Turner attend and address our January civic meeting. Congressman Turner brought the residents up to speed on his current priorities in Washington for the upcoming year. The Congressman has gone out of his way since being elected, to reach out to the Broad Channel community to understand and act on the needs and issues of our town – including the toll issue, the natural gas pipeline supply, and the ecological restoration efforts in our bay. We look forward to working with him in the future.”

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