
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Broad Channel Civic Association Meeting - Thursday, 12/1/2011

December 1,   2011
VFW Hall   Shad Creek Road   8:00 PM

President’s   Message
              The civic meeting   for November is postponed from its normally scheduled date of the fourth   Thursday of the month to the first Thursday of December due to the   Thanksgiving Holiday. The meeting will be held at 8 pm, on December   1st at the VFW hall, and as always all are welcome! Speaking of the   Holidays the Broad Channel Civic Association would like to wish all of our   town’s residents, young and old alike, a happy and healthy Holiday   Season!!!!!!!!

Elections will be held at this month’s   meeting to determine the Civic board for this upcoming year. The nominating   committee has submitted the existing slate of officers currently serving.  

Last month’s   meeting saw the presentation of Civic Association Awards to   Eileen Smith and former Assemblywoman Audrey Pheffer for their tremendous   contributions to our town. Kathy Lawless did an outstanding job on procuring   two beautiful plaques that were presented to the honorees who offered moving   words to the crowd at hand.

The request for a   natural gas line to supply   our town is coming to a head as we have our appeal before the Public Service   Commission for the first time and you can read the submitted comments online   here -  . Our position is that it is long   overdue that the National Grid company supply this town with a natural gas   line for both domestic and commercial use and that their argument that it is   not cost efficient for them is rather hollow as they hold a monopoly on gas   supply to their entire region and are a multi-billion dollar energy   company!

The civic   association, in conjunction with the Jamaica Bay Ecowatchers, has met with   both Congressman Turner and   Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder to brief them on issues affecting Broad   Channel as well as Jamaica Bay. We will be expecting their support on a number   of issues affecting our town as well as the waters and islands that surround   us. Assemblyman Goldfeder attended and addressed the recent Jamaica Bay   Taskforce meeting as did Congressman Turner’s representative. We have secured   a letter of support from the Assemblyman on the gas line issue (which can be   seen at the above mentioned website) and hope to also receive the same from   our new congressman.

Quote of the Month   : “The most wasted of all days is one   without laughter!”
                                                                                       …….. C.C.   Cummings

Respectfully   submitted,
Dan Mundy   Jr.

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