
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Civic Association Newsletter - President's Message

President’s Message

At this (evening's) civic meeting, Thursday October 27 -8pm, the Broad Channel Civic will honor two individuals who have been advocating for our town for decades. We hope that those of you who are able will come out and show your appreciation. 

At the community level we will be honoring Eileen Smith of West 10th Road who has volunteered her services as Broad Channel Civic Recording Secretary for over 35 years. Eileen personifies the type of get involved spirit that has been so critical to this town’s development and achievements over the years. Not content to sit at home and watch TV, she would be present at every civic meeting over that time (come rain or shine) and has set an example of civic activity for all to admire. Every civic President over the last 3 decades owes a debt of thanks to this person who so meticulously recorded every meeting and followed up with countless correspondences. We are truly fortunate to have such people come forward and know that her dedication has inspired subsequent generations to follow her lead.

On the political level, we will be honoring former Assemblywoman Audrey Pheffer.  Audrey had been our representative in Albany for almost twenty years.  During that time every achievement that this town has attained including our parks, land ownership, library, street raising, public school improvement, volunteer Fire Department funding, has had the assistance of Audrey and her staff.  Her office was always responsive to phone calls for assistance and requests for meetings with various agencies.  Her constant support and advice will be sorely missed.

Speaking of the political front, we have just had a special election and we congratulate Congressman Bob Turner and Assemblyman Philip Goldfeder on their recent success at the polls. The Civic Association has already had contact with both representatives and looks forward to working with both of them to further the interests of our town. We hope that they will both be as helpful and as accessible as their predecessors.

The last civic meeting saw another presentation by the DOT and RBA group regarding the evolving design for the street raising project involving West 11th, 12th and 13th Roads. Those streets as well as the community were well represented in a standing room only crowd. The new concept was well received, and the design team will continue to work up the plan with increased details which will be brought back for discussion once again when it is finalized.

Community Board 14 joined the overwhelming consensus of elected leaders, civic and environmental
groups on September 20th when, after listening to a Jamaica Bay Ecowatchers presentation responding to the Port Authority plan to fill in the bay for increased runways, voted to not only oppose this dangerous plan but to also send out a strongly worded letter to the Governor to so advise him. The Ecowatchers kept the pressure on with meetings in September briefing the staff of Senators Schumer and Gillibrand’s office as well as meeting with the Superintendent of the Gateway National Park, the Army Corps. of Engineers, the DEC and the DEP.

Dan Mundy Jr.
Broad Channel Civic Association

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