
Friday, October 21, 2011

Participatory Budget Project NYC - Broad Channel Neighborhood Assembly - Monday, 11/7/2011 - VFW Hall at 7:30 pm

Back in August, the W12thRd Block Association attended an informational presentation at St. Camillus in Rockaway regarding the “Participatory Budget” pilot project that is taking place within our City Council District 32 via the auspices of Councilman Eric Ulrich.

Through a process known as participatory budgeting, constituents of Council District 32 hannel areas, will be asked to volunteer as "budget delegates" to develop and choose among proposals for local capital projects like street repairs, new parks and public artworks. The money — $1 million  — will come out of the Councilman Ulrich's discretionary funds.
The money designated for this project is restricted solely to Capital Projects:  that’s money for physical improvements that benefit the public like rebuilding a street, renovating a park, installing benches or streetlights, or trash cans, repairing buildings, or buying computers or equipment for a school or community center.
A Neighborhood Assembly will be held at the Prince-Wynn Post 260 VFW Hall on Shad Creek Road on Monday, November 7th at 7:30 pm, at which time volunteer budget delegates. selected at the assembly, will then meet for several months to identify, develop,  budget project proposals.  Other Neighborhood Assemblies are being held across the Rockaway Peninsula within District 32.
In March of 2012, residents of District 32 will the be afforded the opportunity to vote on all final budget project proposals with the top vote getters being included in the city budget for 2013.

Although $1 million is not a large amount of funding, especially when spread across the various neighborhoods of DC32 (Breezy Point, Neponsit, Belle Harbor, Rockaway Park, Far Rockaway, Broad Channel, etc., the idea of a taxpaying citizenry having a say in how their tax money is used is one I believe we can all agree on. 
Additionally, this project provides a real means of educating ourselves regarding the process of government within the city and more specifically, the process of the budget, pursuant to the City Charter.
This project also provides the residents of Broad Channel with a unique opportunity to come together as a community to... 
...ensure that the finances of the local government (approximately $1 million dollars of discretionary funds) are properly accounted for and thus decrease the potential for abuse by individuals both within and outside the system,
...involve the community in the priority-setting and budgeting process,
...nurture civic engagement and educate ourselves regarding the process of local government. 

The above notwithstanding, it would be great to see the VFW Hall packed to the rafters on Monday evening, November 7th, if for nothing else other than to impress our elected representatives that we have serious concerns about how are tax money is spent! 

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