
Sunday, October 16, 2011

A $2.25 Bus Fare.....Sometimes Not!......

Straphangers who try use MetroCards with insufficient fare on city buses are unwittingly paying a higher fee because when the rider uses a second card with a sufficient balance, the machine processes them as two separate transactions.

When boarding the subway, a MetroCard is rejected if it doesn't have the full $2.25 fare, and no money is deducted from the card.

However, when a rider uses a card with insufficient fare on the bus, the machine deducts whatever is left and riders are expected to supplement that with coins. If they drop in another card, instead of using coins, it deducts an additional $2.25.
If you board a bus and inadvertently swipe a card with a balance of $2.00 that $2.00 will be deducted. If you don't have any coins and swipe another card to make up the .25 cent difference, the machine will deduct a full fare of $2.25 from the second card thus making your fare for that bus ride $4.25!
Just something to keep in mind.

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