
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tribute Park Ceremony Unveiling WTC Steel from 911

On September 11, 2011 the Friends of Tribute Park will be hosting an unveiling ceremony of a section of World Trade Center Steel.
The 12,000 pound section of steel was recovered from the site and used as evidence in the World Trade Center investigation. It has since been awarded to the Friends of Tribute Park. To date, it will be the only officially  documented section of steel to reside in a New York City public park.

Schedule of day's events:

8:00 am Ceremony
 -     Reading of the names of residents lost, and
       placing of roses in their honor
-      The unveiling and blessing of the steel
-      Other planned events
6:00 pm Ceremony
-     Reading of the names of residents lost, and
      placing of roses in their honor
-    Other planned events
Tribute Park is located on Beach Channel Drive at Beach 116th Street in Rockaway Park, NY

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