
Friday, September 9, 2011

September 11th, 2001 - 10 Years Later....

As we remember that terrible day ten years ago and the thousand of lives lost,
Broad Channel remembers one of its own. 
Theresa Munson -- Terry to friends -- was a gypsy with her daughter, Christine Hayes, and her granddaughter, Kaitlyn, hitting the road to places like Walt Disney World in Florida or Pennsylvania Dutch country.

The trio temporarily disbanded with the birth of Ms. Hayes's son, Patrick, 10 months ago. When the telephone rang in the Hayeses' Houston home on Sept. 11, Patrick said "Nana," his word for his grandmother, for the first time. But it was a call reporting the collapse of 2 World Trade Center, where Ms. Munson, 54, worked as a technical assistant at Aon on the 92nd floor.
"Her whole world revolved around the three of us and my husband," said Ms. Hayes, an only child. She said Kaitlyn, 6, was devastated by the loss of her grandmother, who used to telephone twice a day from her home in Broad Channel, Queens. Ms. Hayes called her mother, who was divorced and who leaves behind her own 88-year-old mother, "a great parent and a great friend."
The above profile was published in THE NEW YORK TIMES on October 12, 2001.

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