
Monday, September 5, 2011


Katia will continue on a west-northwest track through much of the upcoming week, tracking generally in between Bermuda and the Bahamas.

The hurricane will then take more of a northerly turn by Thursday and Friday as it encounters a dip in the jet stream associated with the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee.

Depending on how this dip sets up later next week and next weekend, Katia could either take a westerly path closer to the East Coast or it could get swept out to sea and stay well off the coast.

Therefore, some uncertainty still exists in the longer range forecast and how much impact Katia will have on the U.S.  Katia's ultimate path will become clearer this Thursday when the storm encounters the jet stream.

In any case, rough surf and dangerous rip currents will begin affecting parts of the East Coast by Wednesday. Waves of greater than 10 feet are possible across the East Coast by Thursday or Friday as Katia makes its closest approach to land.

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