
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Common Sense Prevails.....

Anyone who received a summons for parking on the Cross Bay Boulevard median this morning should take the ticket to the 100th Precinct to have it voided.

Dan Mundy of the Broad Channel Civic Association advised..."...I spoke with the 100 pct commanding officer Capt Olexa regarding the summonses issued . He apologized for the fact that the officers did not use better judgement and brought them in to speak to them about their actions. He also stated that he would be speaking to every officer in the precinct to ensure that this would not happen again. I requested that the summonses be voided at the precinct level, given the circumstances, and he indicated that he did not have the authority do void them and that since the ticked "scandal", that was a big issue within the dept, they were not able to void such summonses at the pct level. I told him that the residents would be looking to their elected officials for help in voiding these summonses....Dan Mundy"

The Captain later advised Dan that "...he received permission to void the summonses--he is at the precinct now and we need to get as many of these summonses over to him as soon as possible."

I should add that this is the first instance that I am aware of with 100th Pct. Police Officers tagging our cars up on the median during high tide times.  Normally it is the city's Traffic Enforcement Agents who issue these type tickets with a complete disdain for the environmental conditions causing the situation.  That being said, any enforcement agent assigned to summons duty in the Broad Channel area should be made acutely aware of our tidal flooding isues prior to being let loose with their summons books.

Of course if you don't have EZPass for you car, it's going to cost you $6.50 to travel the Cross Bay Bridge to void your ticket but that's a story for another time.

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