
Friday, July 29, 2011

Think about it....

11th Road after the Hurricane of September 22-23, 1938
Photo from George Hebbel

Eddie "Rabbit" O'Hare, a Broad Channel resident who has temporarily relocated to Syracuse, N.Y. until such time as he becomes sick of that area's 2 foot snowfalls, forwarded the above picture of damage to West 11th Road after the Hurricane of '38 which he obtained courtesy of the Broad Channel Historical Society.

August and September are the most active months for Hurricane and Tropical Storm formations and, although our area has been extremely fortunate in this regard, being an island coastal community, it's a good idea to take some time and think about how we would respond to a potential hurricane or severe Tropical Storm impact in the Broad Channel area.

Thanks for the reminder "Rabbit"!

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