
Monday, June 20, 2011

Flood Mitigation Project Update

Below is a statement by the President of the Broad Channel Civic Association, Dan Mundy Jr., regarding the ongoing Flood Mitigation Project here in Broad Channel which will be included in the Association Newsletter you will receive prior to Thursday's meeting.

President’s Message

The street raising project continues to move forward at this time. The most recent meeting took place on June 13 and was focused on the project’s impact on the homes on West 11th Road. The meeting was well attended with over 40 property owners from that block present. As the design process moves forward, the civic association continues to get new details on this project. One such detail is that the new sidewalks would be 5 foot wide and any private fences or decks within that area would have to be removed. The civic association has expressed concerns that this will have a big impact on some homeowners, and Commissioner McCarthy of the DOT has responded that upon review they can reduce that requirement to 4 foot and, if citing the individual driveways as turnaround locations for residents confined to a wheel chair, still comply with the “American’s  with Disabilities Act”.

We also heard from the commissioner that while this project, for all three blocks, will be bid out as one bid, she understands our concerns that this will have on parking and will discuss the concept of moving one block at a time with the selected contractor once the bid process has been enacted.

The next meeting scheduled is for the homeowners of West 13 Road and will take place on Tuesday, July 12 at 7 pm at the North Channel Yacht Club. This meeting will allow for the individual homeowners on 13th Road to sit down with the representatives of the design firm, the RBA group, and discuss the impact to their property from the proposed construction. All residents of West 13 Road are urged to attend to get fully briefed on the projects details and impacts.


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