
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And yet another new (old) tax!

Remember the "good old days" back in 2005, when New York City permanently eliminated the city sales tax of 4% on clothing and footwear purchases under $110?  Then in April of 2006, the state of New York followed suit and repealed its portion of the sales tax on these items. The result was that the five boroughs of New York City were the only counties in the state of New York that charged no sales tax on these purchases.

Well, our state legislature finally passed a state budget last night, by a party line (32 all democrat-to-28 all republican) vote.

The budget, which was 125 days late, (the third-latest ever and eight days short of the all-time record) restores the 4% state sales tax on clothing purchases under $110.

The restored state sales tax takes effect October 1st so we all have time to to make our "back to school" purchases before the tax kicks in. 

Of course, you may have to make several purchases to keep the purchase totals individually under $110 to avoid paying the sales tax!

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