
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tidal Flooding on West 12th Road - Update

The following letter has been sent to Queens Borough Presidient Helen Marshall as a follow up to a previous letter forwarded to her on May 27, 2010, regarding the issue of tidal flooding on West 121th Road.

July 8, 2010

The Honorable Helen M. Marshall
Office of the Queens Borough President
120-55 Queens Boulevard
Kew Gardens, New York

Re: Tidal Flooding West 12th Road

Dear Borough President Marshall:

Attached for your information is a copy of a letter forwarded to your attention by the West 12th Road Block Association on May 27, 2010.

As of the date of this communication (7/8/2010), our Association is still awaiting a response to same.

Additionally, we are still awaiting a response from the Department of Transportation’s Capital Project Division regarding an update on Capital Project HWQ1182 which Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan assured us would be forthcoming in “early June.”

We are also awaiting confirmation that the promised funding for this project has become available as of July 1st and that the design phase of the flood mitigation efforts for West 12th Road has commenced.

Peter J. Mahon
The West 12thRoad Block Association

Attachment: W12thrd Block Association ltr to QnsBoroPres dated May 27, 2010

Copy to:
Congressman Anthony Weiner
State Senator Shirley Huntley
Assemblywoman Audrey Pheffer
Councilman Eric Ulrich
Janette Sadik-Khan, Commissioner, N.Y.C.D.O.T
Maura McCarthy, D.O.T. Borough Commissioner, Queens
Grace Arnemann, W12thRd Block Association
John Heaphy, W12thRd Block Association
Robert McCarthy, W12thRd Block Association
Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilio, W12thRd Block Association
Scott Valentine, W12thRd Block Association

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