
Thursday, July 15, 2010

MTA Fare Hikes - The Never-Ending Story?

The MTA is still struggling to find ways of closing their (seemingly) never-ending budget deficit.  Under consideration are...

...Hiking the present $2.25 single fare to rise to $2.50,
...adding a $1 surcharge for customers who buy a new
 MetroCard instead of refilling their old MetroCard,

...increasing the price for the present $27 weekly unlimited MetroCards to $29,

...increasing the price for the present $89 monthly unlimited MetroCard to almost $100.

Another source of revenue under consideration is putting limits on unlimited MetroCards, capping the number of rides allowed on weekly and monthly unlimited cards. The plan under consideration would max out a monthly card at 90 trips, and put a cap of 21 rides on weekly cards.

The MTA's new "Unlimited (limited)" monthly and weekly MetroCards could actualy replace the time honored usage of the term "military intelligence" to provide an example of an oxymoron!

Of course there will the mandated "public hearings" held to gather "public opinion" on these increases but the bottom line remains that if approved by the MTA Board, the above rate hikes would go into effect in January 2011.

Need I mention that the new, modified, Cross Bay Bridge Resident Toll Program goes into effect Friday, July 23rd, at 12:01 A.M.?

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