
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Water rates going up...Again!

Each year, at the request of the DEP, the N.Y.C. Water Board proposes an increase in their rates for water and sewer service and each year the city grants the increase.

In 2007, your water bill went up 11%

In 2008, 14.5%.

In 2009, 14%.

It should come as no surprise that this July, your water bill is going up another 12%! Three years ago when our reservoirs were low, the Water Board told us that in order to force conservation of water, they had to raise their rates.

So what happened?  Consumption went down markedly and now the Water Board tells us that because less water is being used, their revenues have suffered and they (wait for it!...) have to raise rates!

The Water Board and the DEP have the best of both worlds while we, the consumers, are damned if we do and damned if we don’t!

For the West 12th Road Block Association,

Peter J. Mahon

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